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All materials offered to the children in the Montessori classroom go from simple concrete concepts to more complex abstract concepts where we recognise and build on each child's existing knowledge - easy to difficult.


Activities of Everyday living
The Practical Life area helps the children develop key life skills.  This is done through providing the children with simple 'every day' exercises which promote the development of independence, concentration and coordination through care of self and the environment. 


Sensorial Education
The Sensorial area helps the children develop and refine their senses which further help them develop their awareness of themselves and their surroundings.  

The rich variety of apparatus that attracts the children encourage them to explore and continually extend their understanding and knowledge through their senses (touch, sight, smell, auditory and stereognostic sense), in addition to promoting their development of concentration, comprehension, perception, discernment and an understanding of the world. 


Knowledge & Understanding of the World
The Cultural area encourages the children to further their knowledge and understanding of the world.  Here the children are provided with activities that gradually help them acquire more detailed knowledge in the areas of biology, geography, history, science, nature and conservation.


Language & Literacy
An indirect approach is used to facilitate reading, writing, social and comprehension skills whereby the literacy area begins with plenty of nursery rhymes and rimes as well as poetry, rhythm and rhyme, story telling, drama and language games. A book corner is provided where the children can explore books and develop an interest for books.  

The literacy approach is phonic based where indirect and direct roads into reading and writing are introduced.  Each piece of material builds on the child's existing knowledge which can be tailored to meet the needs of each individual child.  


The Maths area aims to give the child the opportunity to talk, play, touch and experiment with the relevant mathematical concepts long before the formal teaching of maths is introduced.  This approach provides solid foundations for future maths.  


An art area is available to the children where different mediums of art are made available with emphasis on free expression and the development of creative skills - easels, gluing activities, constructing collages, cutting, water colours, felt tip pens, oil pastels, crayons and so forth are provided.


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